The English Shetland Sheepdog Club

East Anglian Branch

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The EAST ANGLIAN ‘SECTION’ of the English Shetland Sheepdog Club was formed on 13 March 1968 at

The Conservative Club Hall in Kelvedon, Essex.

There were 20 people present, and the officers and committee were elected as follows:-


President – Mrs H.Goodwin (Hildlane)        Chairman – Mr R. Searle (Francehill)

Secretary – Mrs J. Fox         Treasurer – Mrs M. Marriage (Scylla)


Committee – Mr D. Thornley (Felthorn) – Mr D. Craven (Tyneford) – Mr J. Sparkes (Cloudyisle)

Mr B. Ostle (Elstor) – Mr G. Evans (Donreen) – Mrs D. Monks (Dornbrae)


There were 12 meetings a year held at various venues throughout Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk,
and the support from the Members amounted to seventy plus every time!

The ‘Section’ became a ‘Branch’ in 1992, and has hosted a varied programme of events
throughout the past 40 years which has included:-

Matches – Grooming Demonstrations – Health Talks – Brains’ Trusts – Quizzes
Fun-Days – Bar-B-Qs - Walks – Parties & Caravan Rallies and Supported Shows.


The Branch is proud to have had, and still has, some influential Breeders within its region,

and is renowned for a number of well known Sheltie Champions too.


The Branch continues to host meetings and events throughout the year. It remains positive with its
hard working (small) Committee and endeavours to cater for all Shelties and their owners alike. 
We are always open to ideas and suggestions for future events and activities.


The Branch celebrated its ‘55th’ year in 2023.